Logo DannyAnn's Bed & Breakfast
DannyAnn's Bed & Breakfast, 131 N Spokane Ave., Newport WA 99156-1903. Bed and Breakfast, BnB, Bed & Breakfast

Photography by: Bill Betz


Photography by: Bill Betz


Walking Distance:
Nostalgic Roxy Theatre movie house (1956)
Pend Oreille County Library www.pocld.org
Newport-Oldtown Visitors Center-www.newportoldtownchamber.com
Pend Oreille County Historic Museum - www.pocmuseum.org
Antique Stores, Unique Gift Shops, Shopping, Restaurants
Owens Deli-Soda Fountain (1938)
Pend Oreille Playhouse Community Theatre www.pendoreilleplayers.org
Create Arts Center www.createarts.org
Newport City Park
Club Energy Fitness Center-Raquetball court
OK Lanes Bowling Alley
 Within 10 Minutes:
Albeni Falls Dam, outside Oldtown, Idaho
 Boat launch
 Priest River Historic area
 Golf at a 9-hole course just a 5 minute drive away at The Ranch Club or an 18-hole course about 15 minutes, at StoneRidge.
Pioneer Park on the Pend Oreille River
Hiking/biking trails, walking,water trails, boating, fishing, swimming, water skiing, canoeing, kayaking, snow shoeing, cross country skiing.
Snowmobiling throughout Pend Oreille County
Newport is the southwest gateway to: International Selkirk Scenic Loop - www.selkirkloop.org
Within 30 Minutes:
Kalispel Tribe Wellness Center
 Circle Moon Theater
 Sandpoint, Idaho - www.sandpoint.com
Antique shops, shopping, restaurants
Pend d'Oreille Winery, Sandpoint, Idaho - www.powine.com
Pandida Theatre
Within 1 Hour:
Winter downhill and cross country skiing
45 minutes to 49 Degrees North www.ski49n.com
45 minutes to Schweitzer Mountain www.schweitzer.com
45 minutes to Mount Spokane www.mtspokane.com
Gardner Caves
Box Canyon and Boundary Dams
Cutter Theatre
The Green Bluff Fruit Orchards
Cat Tales near Mead
  Zoological park featuring more than two dozen big cats (lions, tigers, leopards, pumas and lynx).
Silverwood Theme and Water Park
Spokane International Airport
Canadian border is  approx. 1 1/2 hours

Yesteryear Production's "Howard's Follies"- Weekends in FEB
Calispel Lake (private property) Tundra Swan Viewing in FEB and MARCH
Tundra Swan Day-Mid MARCH
Local Earth Market APRIL thru OCT
Iris Garden-JUNE
Elk's Pioneer Days- 3rd weekend in JUNE www.elkcommunitypark.com
Newport  Rodeo- last weekend in JUNE
Fireworks Show on the 4th of JULY throughout Valley
Hydroplane races on the Pend Oreille River-JULY
Lavender Festival @ Newport City park- 2nd weekend in JULY
Heritage Days-JULY
Scenic Train Ride Along Pend Oreille River JULY thru OCT
Timber Days in Priest River- last weekend in JULY
Salish Fair and Powwow, Kalispel Tribal Grounds- 1st weekend in AUG
Downriver Days- mid AUG
Great N.W. Bike Tour-end AUG
Pend Oreille County Fair- Mid AUG
Pend Oreille Valley Bluegrass Festival- 2nd weekend in SEPT
Museum's Heritage Days-2nd weekend in SEPT
Hometown Christmas (Newport)-DEC
Christmas on Main Street (Metaline Falls)-DEC
Community Theatre Productions throughout year at:
- Pend Oreille PLAYHOUSE- Newport
-Circle Moon Theatre-Sacheen Lake
-Cutter Theatre-Metaline Falls
-Pandida Theatre (and professional venues)-Sandpoint




SelkirkLoopwww.selkirkloop.org,   PORTA-USwww.porta-us.com
POPAwww.pendoreilleplayers.org www.newportoldtownchamber.org